The Green City seminar series – Glasgow
Glasgow Green infrastructure – the vital ingredient for successful, prosperous places
The Corinthian Club, 191 Ingram St, Glasgow G1 1DA
Confirmed Agenda
- 12:30 Arrival and sign-in
Lunch served - 13:15 Welcome and Introduction:
Green: Existential not Adjectival
Brian Evans, Professor of Urbanism + Landscape, Glasgow School of Art - 13:35 Why greening towns and cities is good for prosperity
Helen Davies, Principal Consultant of Natural Capital, WSP - 13:55 Strategic case-study: the Edinburgh and Lothians Green Health Programme
Julie Procter, Chief Executive, Greenspace Scotland - 14.15 Break
- 14.25 Local case-study: transforming the landscape at Forth Valley Royal Hospital for staff, patients and the community
Sheena Raeburn, Director, Ian White Associates - 14.45 Making it happen
Arthur Keller, Head of Structural Funds, Scottish Natural Heritage - 15.00 Discussion with speakers and audience:
Chair: Julia Thrift, Projects Director, TCPA
• What are the barriers to greening urban areas in Scotland?
• How could they be overcome? - 15:30 Closing comments and thanks