The Green City seminar series – West of England
Green infrastructure – the vital ingredient for successful, prosperous places
Tuesday 17 September 2019, 10:00 to 13:00, PwC Loft Space, 2 Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0FR
Confirmed Agenda
- 10:00 Arrival and sign-in
Coffee and pastries available on arrival - 10:15 Welcome and introduction to the morning
Colin Skellett OBE, Chair, YTL Developments - 10:25 Speakers
– Melanie Hughes, Sustainable Development Director, Natural England
– Dr Rebecca Lovell, Research Fellow, European Centre for Environment & Human Health
– Andrew Grant, Founding Director, Grant Associates - 10:55 Q&A
- 11:25 Panel Discussion and questions from audience
Chair: Julia Thrift, Projects Director, TCPA
– David Carter, Director of Infrastructure, West of England Combined Authority (WECA)
– Sue Illman, Past President, Landscape Institute and Managing Director, Illman Young
– Mohammed Saddiq, Board Member, West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) - 12:10 Closing comments and thanks
- 12:15 Lunch and networking
- 13:00 End