Climbing plants also contribute to the city’s living environment. Plant-covered facades muffle noise, lower summer temperatures and improve air quality. Various climbing plants, including Hedera (Ivy), Pyracantha (Firethorn) and Fallopia baldschuanica (Silver Lace Vine), are known to have leaves that capture particulates, absorb nitrous oxide, and reduce the concentration of ozone in the air. The flowers of certain climbers, such as Clematis vitalba (Clematis) and Lonicera (Honeysuckle) attract bees and butterflies. Climbing plants also make good places for birds to shelter and nest.
Hedera (Ivy), Pyracantha (Firethorn), Fallopia baldschuanica (Silver Lace Vine), Clematis vitalba (Clematis), Wisteria (Wisteria), Rosa (climbing roses and ramblers), Lonicera (Honeysuckle), Hydrangea anomala (Climbing Hydrangea), Parthenocissus (Virginia Creeper).